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수학강의37과 재시작 MathNatural Science

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252페이지 부터입니다.
2. Solve Linear Equations Using the Multiplication Axiom을 나갑니다.
“The basic principle of equality” can be extended to multiplication and division with the help of “multiplication property of equality,” as you already know, it has another name of “multiplication axiom.”
The both sides of an equation naturally have the relationship of ‘ratio’ when they have a common coefficient. If 2x = 2y, then x = y. This is “basic principle of equality, right? In this case ‘x’ and ‘y’ share the common coefficient ‘2.’ If this is true, there will be an inverse interpretation and it is the multiplication property or the multiplication axiom.
If x = y then 2x =2y. Similarly, if x = y then 2/x =2/y, or x/2 = y/2.. Here, 2/x and 2/y is 2 times 1/x and 2 times 1/y. 1/x and 1/y are the reciprocals of x and y. So we can say ‘multiplying both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of the coefficient of the letter term gives no change.’

Solve the following equations using the multiplication axiom. .
1. 4x = 48
2. 45 = .5x

Give as many cases of verbal statements in solving the following equations
1. n/4 = 7
2. –n = 25

Multiplication and division are effective regardless of which side of the equation contains the letter term.

The easiest way to check or verify the root of an equation is to substitute the solution in place of the letter in the original equation and see if the both sides are still the same.

Sorting or transposing terms can be justified by the addition axiom. To do this, isolate the variable or letter terms on one side of the equation and the number terms on the other side.

Solve the following. Mention all the processes and the axioms needed to solve them.
1. x + 8 = -3
2. 42 = 8m – 2m
3. .8R = .6 (round to nearest tenth)
4. .33x + .25x = 3.5 (round to nearest hundredth)

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