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성인영재교육 1-3 성인영어교육

여러분이 누구나 대부분 흥미를 가지는 것이 스포츠가 아닐까 생각합니다. 미국에서는 야구 world series라는 빅 이벤트가 남아 있습니다. 우리나라의 박찬호 선수가 필라델피아 팀의 투수로서 메이저 리그 입성한 후 처음으로 참여하게 되었지요. 그래서 더 많은 관심을 얻고 있습니다.

월드 시리즈가 끝날 때 까지 스포츠를 다루겠습니다. 특히 야구를 중심으로...

스포츠 영어는 매우 현장감이 있습니다. 그래서 많은 표현을 알게 됩니다. 매우 현실적이고도 영어식 논리의 발상이 특히 잘 보입니다. 스포츠 기사는 영어에 대한 감이 없으면 해석 자체가 힘든 것도 많습니다.

어쨋든 당분가 스포츠 기사를 외우시면서 실력을 키우시기 바랍니다.
꾸준히 하시면 어마어마한 영어 실력이 따라 올 것입니다.

New York AP통신의 기사를 보면서 월드 시리즈를 점쳐 봅시다.
오늘은 여러분이 읽어 보면서 그 느낌을 받아 보시고, 여러분에 상상력을 방해하지 않기 위해 오늘은 제가 해석해 드리지 않을 겁니다. 그냥 한 번 도전해 보시지요.

Ryan Howard thought about the World Series and his eyes widened.

"Between Yankee Stadium and Philly, it's going to be, I would have to say, probably one of the rowdiest World Series — just between the fans," he said.

Sure will be if Howard and Alex Rodriguez start teeing off in their high-profile slugger showdown.

For the first time in 20 years, the World Series will feature a pair of former major league home run champions when it opens, weather permitting, tonight.

No player in the major leagues has been scrutinized more than A-Rod, a postseason star following a scandalous spring training that included a steroid admission and hip surgery.

And Howard has carried the defending champion Philadelphia Phillies every bit as much as Rodriguez has propelled the Yankees to their first Series appearance since 2003 — and the first of his career.

"Ryan, along with his power, he's also become a great hitter," Rodriguez said yesterday. "And that's bad news for the National League and bad news for us."

The 34-year-old Rodriguez already has succeeded Reggie Jackson as the favorite Yankees target of wannabe amateur psychologists, who try to analyze past playoff flops and his relationships with Madonna last year and Kate Hudson this season. Now he wants to follow Mr. October as a champion.

A three-time AL MVP, he entered the first round against Minnesota hitting .136 (8 for 59) in the postseason dating to 2004 and was hitless in 18 consecutive playoff at-bats with runners in scoring position.

What a change.

He led the Yankees with a .438 average, five homers and 12 RBIs in the victories over the Twins and Los Angeles Angels, hitting tying home runs in the seventh, ninth and 11th innings.

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