useful 유용한 windmill 풍차
waterwheel 수차 efficient 효과적인, 효율성 있는
gasoline engine 휘발유 엔진 diesel engine 디젤/경유 엔진
heat engine 열기관 coal 석탄
turn A to B A를 B로 바꾸다. steam 증기
expand 확장하다 1,700 times its size 1,700배 크기가 커지다
drive wheels 바퀴를 돌리다 pushes a piston 피스톤을 밀다
back and forth 앞 뒤로 attach 달라 붙다
connecting rod 커넥팅 롸드 make it go around 그것을 돌게 하다
valve 밸브 cylinder 실린더
reciprocating engine 往復機關 chief source 주된 근원
automobile 자동차 vanish 사라지다
invent 발명하다 turbine engine 터빈엔진
A turbine is a large wheel with dozens of blades around it.
Spinning turbines can be used to make electricity or drive a ship’s propellers.
A car’s engine is called internal combustion engine because the fuel is burned inside the engine.