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선생님 편지


Finally I got pink eye...

Finally I got a pink eye or conjunctivitis.
I went to the school entrance ceremony for Molly where I guess I got this unpleasant visitor.
As you know this is highly contagious and I have to be very careful not to touch those things my family share. I wash my hands as often as I can.
Pink eye is one of the most widespread eye infections. Virus or bacteria got into your conjunctiva which is the transparent membrane covering your eyeball to meke it infected. It has reddened my right eye and I am enjoying the color.
It also keeps me under some kind of irritation. It is the real pain in the ass.

Spring is just around the corner. It's time for change of seasons. And it's time for contagious diseases acting up.
You should take care of yoursefl properly.

제목 등록일
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