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선생님 편지



I gharra letta from a frend of mine yestadey.
We sthap riting itch otha ten ears agho, which meens it waz a supraiz too me.
I colled him and we injoied aur tok fo ten minits.
No wanda we tok fo ten minits bekuz we need dat much time tu catch up wid itch otha.

I kan't foghet de dey we met sum pleice in Soul. He waz wid his waif and dohta.
His Inglish wazm't gut eenuf tu meik hour tohk undahstandabl.

It went laik dis.
He: I'd laik tu introdus my familie tu u.
Me: Okey
He: Dis iz hour waif.
Me: ...
He: Andu dis iz my dohta.
Me: O ye?
He: I hav a pashion fo my dohta. I'm going tu meik her feimus
Me: (Silens)

I remembah I kood undastand him at last afta I transleit bai maisef wat he had sed.

He wrote tu me yesterdei and we had gut taim asking things.
Still his aksent waz wierd baht it didn't meik any problm biteen us.
He sed "Wahsup?"
And I sed "Non mutch."
We kud successfullie cumunikeit bick time.
I waz like I waz verie happie to here his vois and tok itch other.

Nauh, I'm asking yu gaiz.
 " Wahsup?"



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