You took the word out of my mouth. I always meant it. But sometimes things donadxx01t turn
out to be what it should be. When I noticed most of the teachers didnadxx01t want my
teaching as it was, I thought it was just a glitch that I had to overcome. But it wanadxx01t...
Thatadxx01s why I made up my mind to be a easy-goer.
I know they still want more out of me only to be losers in learning English.
I actually compromise with them case by case.
Only I can do is making those compromising a bait to hook them and lead them to the
right way of study.
Thank you!
Please, keep using English. I can see you already have good English.
Whenever you write in English, Iadxx01ll let you know one thing at a time about English.
This time, let me explain to you about the word adxx03passion.adxx03
You began your words with adxx03I sincerely thank you for your passion...adxx03
I suggest you adxx03I sincerely thank you for your eagerness to teach us.adxx03 instead.
In the U.S, adxx03passionadxx03 is frequently used as adxx03sex drive.adxx03
You should be very careful when you use the word adxx03passion.adxx03