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Poem in 주문진


내가 길을 거닐때 니 앞에 벽이 생겨 가로 막는다면

너는 어떻게 할것이냐

피해 돌아 갈 것이냐 혹은 뚫고 지나갈 것이냐

나라면 계단삼아 밟고 올라 갈 것이다.

제목 등록일
03/19/2019 Physics 2019-03-20
03/19/2019 Chemistry 11 2019-03-20
2019. March. 19 (Gre-Gmat) 2019-03-19
2019. March. 19 (Gateway) 2019-03-19
국어 및 국문학 2019. 3. 19 주문진 Literature 2019-03-19
Planned Cities on the Indus 2019-03-19
Relations and Functions 2019-03-19
Forces in Nature 2019-03-19
Classifying Compounds 2019-03-19
3/19 physics 2019-03-19
chemistry 3/19 2019-03-19
poem 2019-03-19
Poem in 주문진 2019-03-19
Algebra 2019/03/18 2019-03-19
Poem in the 주문진 2019-03-19